Captain Jon Carter has had a passion for fishing ever since he
could remember. Growing up in the Carter family, fishing has
been a focal point of his life from the time he was able to hold
a rod and reel. As a child Captain Jon mirrored his father and
older brothers' techniques and fishing styles. Over the years
he has polished these techniques and developed his own style
of fishing that has proven to be successful. The customers' success is
Captain Jon's main goal everyday he steps foot into his boat. This
mentality is branded into his mind. "It's my personal vendetta to put as
many fish into the boat and satisfy my customers everyday I'm on the
water. Failure isn't an option." As serious as Captain Jon takes his
\ customers' success he hasn't lost sight that fishing is meant to be fun and
enjoyable. The customers' experience is just as important as catching a
limit of fish. "Creating a memorable fishing trip of a lifetime is what it's all about. Your success is my success!"