
Venice, Louisiana along with Lake Ponchartrain and Lake Calcasieu are considered the premier destinations for Trophy Speckled Trout.  However, Venice, Louisiana exceeds those other locations in that not only does it produce quality speckled trout but it also produces quantity not to be

exceeded.  During my best year ever, my clients caught over 12,000speckled trout with a stretch of limits that extended 21 straight days!!!  Although every year is different, Speckled Trout season typically begins in March and runs through Summer.  Early Spring is usually a slower artificial bite that lasts throughout the day.  As Summer approaches, the schools become tighter and the bite shifts more to early morning and late evening.  At this time we begin leaving VERY early, often before the marina even opens and start using live bait.  It is not uncommon to boat 100 fish by 7am!  

Speckled Trout